here are some old posts migrated quietly over from Tumblr

maybe i will add more posts, we’ll see

Rough FCP recording via Roland JC120

Here’s a sample of the esteemed Roland JC120, recorded hastily the other day while jamming with Kim Mosler, drummer extraordinaire. It’s a very rough version (where I completely wreck the guitar “solo” in a Boddington beer haze) of a song from Frozen Chicken Patties, our old two-piece band from back in the day. Please excuse the roughness – I used a Zoom H4 recorder placed precariously in the middle of the room and of course, you can never hear the vocals live, right? You can hear an older recording here of the song done on a Fostex cassette 4-track, guitar through a Peavey Bandit, if you want to compare.. I’d show you a picture of the Bandit, but I donated it to a pal who teaches at Rosa Parks Elementary so the kids can get on a mic and do their thing 🙂

Originally posted on Tumblr on September 21, 2015.

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