here are some old posts migrated quietly over from Tumblr

maybe i will add more posts, we’ll see

Starfish Stuff

  • Fender Jazz Bass in Disguise

    Chris Hughes – the same Chris Hughes who built the Rabbit Guitar for me, also sold me this bass guitar for $100 maybe? I doubt I paid more than that because I was pretty stingy and broke back in those days.. The bass appears to the unknowing eye to be a cheapy “JB Player” but…

    Fender Jazz Bass in Disguise
  • OC-2 Octave pedal

    After many revisions and tweaking, I finally got Helena’s drums in the middle section sounding halfway cool – hooray for plugins and Elysia outboard gear! I ran the violin through a Boss OC-2 octave pedal, in case you’re wondering why it sounds unviolinish.. one of those Craigslist purchases where everyone leaves happy. Originally posted on…

    OC-2 Octave pedal
  • Elysia Triumvirate

    Here’s another redo of an oldish song.. completely irrelevant to anything that is going on in the world these days but I had fun tweaking the drum loop with the Elysia Nvelope shaper and refining the mix with the Xpressor and XFilter seen above. I’ve never bought anything this nice before but what a game…

    Elysia Triumvirate
  • Michael Kelly Lo-Boy Patriot baritone guitar

    This is a reworking of an oldish song where I added beats and bass to the guitars and vocals and remixed everything. Featuring the Michael Kelly Lo-Boy Patriot baritone guitar, no distortion just emo 🙂 I love this guitar and it’s the only one that I have bought sight unseen off the internet which was…

    Michael Kelly Lo-Boy Patriot baritone guitar
  • Classic Vibe Squier Telecaster

    New song! What it’s about I have no idea.. but let’s give a warm welcome to this Classic Vibe Squier Telecaster which is featured in the song below, along with the trusty baritone (seen pictured behind). According to my ex-co-worker who has probably been playing guitar for the past 40 years now and was a…

    Classic Vibe Squier Telecaster
  • Dead Level

    My buddy, Marcos Soriano, gave me a CD with a bunch of beats on it, two of which I used for “What You Want” and “Hidden”. I don’t have any pictures of him playing drums and he moved to Hawaii with his wife so this is the only image I have of him. He’s the…

    Dead Level
  • Eastwood 12-string semi-hollowbody

    Here’s my 12 string electric guitar by Eastwood, one of those small independent guitar companies that have sprouted up to provide kind-of-cheap alternatives to the big guns (Fender, Gibson, etc.) with pretty good quality for the price. Not that many people make electric hollowbody 12 strings, so it was either this or a 2000 dollar…

    Eastwood 12-string semi-hollowbody
  • The Rabbit Guitar

    Here’s what the rabbit guitar sounds like without all of that distortion. A friend from back in the day SF 90′s, Chris Hughes, made this guitar for me after seeing me play in the Frozen Chicken Patties and Lucy Stoners, deciding that he could do better than the cheapo Yamaha I played. He took woodworking…

    The Rabbit Guitar
  • Rough FCP recording via Roland JC120

    Here’s a sample of the esteemed Roland JC120, recorded hastily the other day while jamming with Kim Mosler, drummer extraordinaire. It’s a very rough version (where I completely wreck the guitar “solo” in a Boddington beer haze) of a song from Frozen Chicken Patties, our old two-piece band from back in the day. Please excuse…

    Rough FCP recording via Roland JC120
  • Purest Spiritual Pigs

    I’m almost 100% sure this song features my guitar through the Winfield amp I was going on about. Helena Thompson (pictured above!) and I write songs together either long distance or when H is in SF, we jam in this little by the hour place downtown which is only like 20 bucks or something for…

    Purest Spiritual Pigs
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